January 16, 2017

6th Grade Dance this FRIDAY, January 20th


The Turrentine Middle School PTO will be hosting a dance for the sixth grade on Friday January 20, 2017 from 3:25 until 5:00 pm. The admission fee of $3 will be collected at the door prior to the dance.  There will be drawings for gift cards, etc. during the dance.  There will also be pizza, drinks and candy available for purchase.  Please come out and have a good time with your fellow classmates.

Please return this the day of the dance.
My child has permission to attend the school dance on Friday January 20 , 2017.  I understand that my child must be picked up promptly at 5:00 pm
Child’s Name  __________________________
Parent’s Name   _________________________
Phone Number  ________________________
Parent Signature  _______________________

Thanks in advance
Rosalind Reaves

Turrentine PTO